Monday, August 30, 2010

You Can't Understand

Not much went on this weekend. Majority of the weekend was spent lying in bed reading or doing assignments. Reading was fun. and my bed was fun. :3 i love my bed.

Anyways, interrupting my proclamation of love towards my bed, I saw Vampires Suck today! It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. And all I can say was that it was exactly what I expected.

Messy room is messy. Anyways, it's very much cleared up now since the parents are coming this coming week. Excited!

Photos > words today because I'm about to go to bed so my week can restart. DREAD!

Good night!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Turmoil Of The Night

I swear every time Friday rolls around I freak out. Mostly because it's the only time you're not worrying your head off thinking .. i just killed a mosquito. win. .. and recalling all the things you need to get done and in what order and by when. It's such a relief. This is the part where I tell you about what has been going on.

I had an economics assignment due on Friday by 9am in both hard copy and soft copy. Naturally I worked on it on Thursday after my last class of Accounting at 6pm till around 12.30am which is when I happily discarded my assignment into the assignment box. I walked home, took a shower and waited to fall asleep. I started reading till a point where my vision was getting blurry due to my extreme tiredness. At that point, I turned off the light and climbed back into bed where I was greeted by minutes upon minutes of staring at the ceiling in the darkness and thinking about things that I would only think about when I can't sleep. Torture. My own personal form of torture. I don't know why my mind does this to me.

Class starts late on Fridays. And by late, I mean 1pm. The schedule I was assigned is pretty sweet because with the exception of Wednesdays, my classes generally start after 11am. After class, I got excited by the prospect of going book hunting. Something I had done many times before with companions. Unfortunately, I always felt bad for making them wait around for me while I took my time browsing and running to other book shops. So today I went alone and I did very well! :D I bought 3 books today.

Books I bought:
1. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I have been meaning to buy this book and read it for quite awhile now. However, funds were tight and books are expensive. BUT I HAZ IT NAO!

2. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
It's a classic so I had to read it.

3. The Beach by Alex Garland
This one was sort of a last minute request from Jamie. She had read a copy of it which belonged to her friend and she wanted a copy and apparently it was a good book and that I should read it.

DROOL. I can't wait to start reading. I'm currently still on The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Loving it. I haven't read a lot this year but I'm starting to get back into the swing of it. Most definitely a good thing! I guess you could say that buying books to me are like buying shoes are to an average girl. An average girl who gets a bit crazy when it comes to shoes and wants to own every pair of feet hating shoes that have ever been invented. Heh.

SO, questions for you guys! 1) What are you reading right now? or What books would you like to read? 2) What recommendations do you have for me? 3) What is your 'reading books' or 'buying shoes'?
Let me know down in the comments!

No photos today because I'm horrible and haven't been treating Frank fairly.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Find Out How Much They Can Take

Hey guuuyysss! Things have been getting busier and busier as week by week we're approaching our final exams. It has come to that time when a lot of assignments are due in the same weeks and everybody's trying to get them done and submitted in time. So updates might be a bit slow in the coming weeks.

Also! My parents and brother are coming over next week and that's shum exciting news. :D So i'm hoping to get everything done by this week which is unlikely but at least I'd have time to go out with the family. To be honest, their timing could not be worse. Actually, it could if they came during my exam week. :S Figure of speech.

The end is so close i can hardly stand it! I'm super excited to go home and see my friends again and have adventures.  

On a different note, I absolutely loathe the moment you calculate the totals of the trial balance of an account because when it doesn't balance and you have accounting class bright and early in the morning tomorrow. FUUUUUUUUU. But seriously, i've been looking for this error of $2.65 for over 40 minutes now. :S I've decided that I'm going to make myself dinner first then I'll maybe redo it. All over again. :C

Anyways, my table isn't only messy this week because I've been busy with homework and such but it's actually always very messy. I'm guilty of not being neat.

my tea is cold.
so tragic.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's A Simple Fact

Listen up, kids. I'm about to drop some knowledge. Here are some things I've learned over the years:

1. Never leave things to the last minute.

Sounds easy enough right? I have some trouble with this one because often things come up and get in the way of what you need to do. Be sure to stare down the urge that wants to tell yourself eh, i can do it tomorrow. Sure you could but in most cases, you'd probably find something else that sounds better and more fun.

In short, get your shit done before you decide to do something fun that won't benefit your future.

2. Never overlook the time you have with good company/You don't know what you've got till it's gone.

The thing about this is I realized it a little too late. I suppose sometimes you never really think about what would change after you leave or you get separated. Clichéd, but i guess you can also call this 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'. Fine. I'll add it up there. Happy?

3. Accept change.

Change is bound to happen no matter what and that is a fact. There's no point lingering in the past. Embrace change and learn to enjoy it. It definitely makes life less miserable.

4. Always listen to your parents' advice.

Cause most of the time they're telling you because no one else will tell you and they're only looking out for you. Unless.... they tell you to kill yourself or something abusive like that. In that case, don't but you know what I'm talking about right?

5. Try your hardest at everything.

I definitely have some regrets about not applying myself very well in secondary school and in learning my violin. Can't help but wonder what I'd be doing now if I'd gotten 98.9% average or if i had finished my grade 8. Maybe i'd be doing music right now.

But I digress. I really do mean it, though. Do your best so you won't have any regrets.

6. Finally, enjoy life.
I understand that sometimes you just feel like wallowing but that would just represent another day wasted. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm 18! Already! hah i'm legal. It's strange because I remember when I used to wish that I'd grow up sooner so I can go out by myself etc. This year has gone by so fast. Soon I'll be home and with friends and family again. I can hardly wait.

This is one of my favourite quotes by Oscar Wilde.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

Moving on!

I woke up around 7am today, before my alarm. I have no idea why I even woke up so early. My class today starts at 11am. D: I couldn't get back to sleep, so I worked on some research we had to do.

Life's great! Can't sleep early! Can't wake up late!

Actually it wasn't too bad. Classes were as they are all the time and I made the most of it. After the last class, I went to the computer lab to work on some homework. After I bade my friends goodbye and started walking to the main door, I noticed that a bag of crisps was stuck in the vending machine. And I just had to.

I called a few of my friends over and they tried shaking the vending machine but to no avail. So we decided that it'd be a gamble to see if we could dislodge that pack by buying one of the keropoks above that one. When it didn't work, another friend decided that the weight of both of the packs were heavy and another pack would prove to be heavy enough to make all of them come down. It didn't. I went back to the computer lab and asked another friend to come take a look cause he was missing everything. hahaha After a lot of kicking and shoving of the vending machine, he decided that the momentum would be big enough to get everything moving. hahah in the end, there were just four packs of crisps. Sitting there. Everybody got fed up and went back to the computer room and i went home. The End.

Oh! And I've added these two buttons down here so it'd be great if you guys could give me some feedback on my posts so I'll know what you like and what you don't like. And also, leave me some comments so i'll know that i'm not just talking to myself.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Doctor Isn't Here This Time

My week of sleeping in and movie watching is over! Oh, distress! Marion inspired me to blog again. And more frequently too. So, thanks Marion! I'll find content for you guys. Promise!

Anyhow, today was spent like every other day this week. Waking up way into the afternoon and having lunch at 3pm. Then I did a bit of my homework and got frustrated because the Malaysian websites lack so much information. It's just. D: Then we had dinner at the Pancake House. :3 It's actually called Perfect Pancakes but we just call it the pancake house.

Yes, I had pancakes for dinner. Be jealous. 

Currently listening to: Love is not a value of Pi. Which would explain my drawing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bring Bring

Hey! Hi! Hello!

I've been feeling amazing these days. I'm having my one week mid semester break which is short but extremely necessary. Because what comes up in the following weeks are going to be torture. But you know, i'm just taking this one day at a time. I've been sleeping late, waking up late. The usje. hahaha Usje. I wonder if anyone would get this, it's a word i use quite a bit but i've never attempted to spell it so this is interesting. Woo. Everything seems interesting these days. *points to self* Easily amused.

Honestly, I get amused at the silliest things. Silliest, is that a word? Anyways, I do! In my Accounting class, my teacher, Ian always tells lame jokes and tries to make us laugh. One day, he told us one, which i will share with you later, and I still laugh about it whenever I think about it. That day was 3 months ago. I'm not kidding. Oh Steffi, how would you know the exact date of the day Ian told you that stupid joke? I know because I actually wrote it down in my diary. As in my schedule diary that i keep every year. I wrote "Ian told construction joke. ha-ha-hilarious."

Anyways, here's the joke. Don't be surprised if it's super lame because that's just my sense of humour.

So there are 3 construction workers sitting atop a crane suspended high in the sky during lunch break. The first construction worker opens up his lunch box and pulls out a ham sandwich. He says, "If my wife packs another ham sandwich for me tomorrow, I'll kill myself!" The second construction worker opens his lunch box and pulls out steamed potatoes. He says, "If I get more steamed potatoes for lunch tomorrow, I'll kill myself!" The third construction worker opens his lunch box and pulls out some fried chicken. He says, "If I have to eat fried chicken again tomorrow, I'll kill myself."

So the next day, the first construction worker opens his lunch box and see ham sandwiches. He jumps off the crane and kills himself. The second construction worker opens his lunch box and sees steamed potatoes and jumps off and kills himself. The last construction worker opens his lunch and see fried chicken and jumps off and kills himself.

At the company funeral held for the three workers, their grieving wives started talking. The wife of the first man said, "If he had only told me that he didn't want to eat anymore ham sandwiches, I would have packed him something different and he'd still be alive." The wife of the second man said, "Yeah, I packed him steamed potatoes because I thought he enjoyed eating them!" The wife of the last man said, "I don't know why the hell my husband killed himself. He packs his own lunch!!"

Thus ends the horrible joke. To be perfectly honest, I had to pause to laugh before i wrote on. Ahhhhh.

Anyways, earlier this evening... day... Whatever. Earlier today, I watched Night of the Living Dead with a bunch of people. In case you guys don't know, Night of the Living Dead was the first zombie film evar, directed by George A. Romero. He only does zombie films. Though technically in his films, the Z word is never used. We watched the original which is the 1968 version and not the remake. Classic. Anyways, it was really quite adorable because these zombies are not like the 28 Weeks Later zombies. They actually walk really slowly. But I'm sure back in the 60s, the mere concept of dead people coming back to life to feed on human flesh must have been quite a scare. It's definitely a classic so I recommend watching it even though it was quite comical.

The reason I've been watching so many movies lately is because I actually have quite bad taste in movies, according to my sisters and that's okay because, after all, I am quite easily amused. During the course of this one week holiday, I have been assigned 'homework' by my sister and I've been watching them because I need to be enlightened. So far it's not too bad. I haven't left the house since Sunday when my relatives from Melbourne and Japan came to visit and spent their last night with us. I've been having Pajama Day for days now! And i actually think i should go outside for a bit tomorrow. And oh! It's been raining! My toes I love the rain!

Rain = better sleep = no construction = awesomeness

I should probably get to bed because I need to start correcting my sleep cycle before school starts and I become a walking zombie.

Wow, it's been a very long time since the last long post. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Role We Play Is So Important

I watched 5 movies today. The verdict: 5/5 good movies.

The first was Singin' in the Rain. It was adorable and i have a weakness for musicals.

Next, I watched Wicker Park. It was exciting.

Third, I watched the Machinist. The first thing i noticed was how skinny Christian Bale was. It was almost gross. Which is interesting because right after they finished filming The Machinist, he had to buff up for Batman. Good acting and I liked the story.

District 9. Was sad. :( it was action packed too. But ultimately, sad. :(

Last, I watched Night Watch. It's a German film and my sister tells me it was made on a very low budget and i'm very impressed. It was very interesting.

Overall, it's been a great day.

rawr i want more.