Monday, July 30, 2012

You're Not As Brave As You Were At The Start

On Friday night, we had guests over for dinner cause mom wanted to meet our friends. So it was the 5 of us Chongs, Tommy, Amanda, Sabrina, Annie and Eric. We spent 5 and a half hours cooking 6 dishes but at the end of it, everything was worth it because it was all so gooooooood. :3 Mom's cooking is the best! After that i walked Amanda home (since she now lives in the same suburb! :D) and checked out her new place. It was a fun night with good company, food, alcohol and cake.

Look! Chewie's also looking at the camera :3

Then today (well, yesterday now) was mom's birthday and we spent the day doing things she wanted to do and had dinner and did birthday things.

Bamboleo cake we bought at a French bakery
Mango mousse, passionfruit and banana jelly
It was amazing

Mom bought foldable Ray Ban Wayfarers
hihihi she's so hip

This is basically the whole process of lighting the cake, blowing the candles out and cutting the cake
I figured a gif would be better than uploading the 97 photos individually

It's been lovely having mom come visit us even though uni's started and everything. She got to see us operate in our natural habitat and we got to celebrate her birthday with her and just pig out together.

Just a short update today! Week two starts tomorrow (well, today) and i'll be put into some groups this week *pukes*. Fingers crossed they'll be some good ones!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

You'll Grow Into Your Skin

So i went to Melbourne over my semester break with Karen to meet up with Michelle. We managed to stay at 4 different places during the duration of our trip. The first was a hotel for a couple of days because Lexis was still in Sydney the first few days we were in Melbourne. The second was Ronald's tiny studio apartment where we got sick. The third was Lexis' place that was huge and cold and huge and cold where we spent most of our days. The last one was a hotel that we moved into when Michelle joined us. I got to meet up with a couple of my good friends and get sick together and just stay in bed all day watching the Walking Dead for days. Unfortunately, I didn't get to catch a lot of those days on camera cause it was just too cold to leave the warmth of the bed and blanket and each other to get my camera which was sitting less than 10 meters away. It made sense at the time. So anyways here are the photos I managed to get during the trip. They're mostly of people I love because that's really what this trip was about for me. It wasn't so much as seeing Melbourne as it was just being reunited with great friends and spending as much time together as possible.


Karen in Hotel #1

We had an agreement where we would finish a bottle of Moscato every night but it didn't really happen

There's a weird wall between the beds


My first time meeting Natalie

What blogpost would be complete without a mirror photo?


We take our Karaoke very very seriously.

All of us at Ronald's

Karen in her cocoon

Then we moved to Lexis' and spent a great deal of time commandeering Lexis' room

Lexis cooking with his lady's apron

Michelle in the last hotel

Michelle and Karen and La Guerta

'Turd' and Lexis

No catch up with Lexis would be complete without some pool playing!

I guess that's it, guys! Mom's currently visiting and uni's started up again and it's only the first week but already i find myself staying up till 3am to do some studying. Le sighs. Here goes another semester.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

I Don't Need It Anymore

It feels pretty great being on semester break. It's only been a week since semester one's officially over but I've pretty much doing nothing since my last paper on the 18th. :D FUN TIMES! Honestly, i haven't been doing much apart from working and watching tv and working and not reading like i said i would and sleeping and waking late on those days where i don't have to be up at 5.30am for work. I sound like i'm complaining about work but really I'm not. I've been saving up for my Melbourne trip that's happening in 2 days! I'll be going with Karen and meeting up with Michelle, who's been spending her days in Tasmania with her boyfriend. It's sort of a big meet up before Michelle goes to the UK and her holiday times get retarded and we probably won't see her for a couple of years in real life. Le sigh UK. But i'm psyched! Because i'll get to see some melbournites and relatives and we can alllll freeze our butts off together! HUZZAH! But really, a tiny part of me is not looking forward to Melbourne cause it's going to be colder than Brisbane and Brisbane is cold enough. :/

Annnnnyyywayyyssss! Recently there have been a string of parties that have been very close together. The major one was the Superheroes vs Villains Memory party at the Met. The second me and Charlene saw the poster in Hazel Tea Shop, we knew we were going. Hands down. No argument there. IT'S LIKE HALLOWEEN CAME EARLY! I immediately Whatsapped Amanda and Cameron about it and soon, all we could talk about were costumes. Mind you, at that time I still had one more exam paper to sit for. At first, we thought about buying the costumes online but we didn't know if they'd fit well or if they'd look good. Also, they were kind of expensive for a one-off thing. So after awhile, we decided we'd make our own costumes. I mean, how hard could it be right? WRONG! Hahahaha up until that point, i hadn't hand sewn anything since I was 8 (which was a name on a shirt for my soft toy bunny, Cookie) and suddenly, here i was wanting to make an entire outfit in a week. IT WAS CRAZY. After a lot of grief that came with deciding who i wanted to be, I finally decided on Starfire from Teen Titans. Her costume was easy enough and i've always kinda loved her character. She's an alien from the planet Tamaran and she's Robin's girlfriend.

I had to make every part of the costume. The shoes took the longest. It took a whole day. A WHOLE DAY. With her shoes, I just made a boot cover to go over my ankle boots. It's ironic because the thing that took the longest to make did not end up in any photos. hahah I even stuffed the bottom with styrofoam to make it look boot-shaped. There was a lot of measuring, cutting, sewing, fabric gluing and hot glue gunning in that week! Anyways, i was literally working up to the last minute on my costume. Amanda, Cameron and Jennifer came over all dressed and ready for some pre-drinks and Char and I were still finishing up our costumes. D: I have some photos that i took with my own camera but the problem with rushing to finish costumes and trying to pre-drink with your friends at the same time is that you don't have time to check every photo and to be honest, the photos are just not worthy of being put up, unfortunately. So you guys are stuck with the photos that were taken at the club. It was an amazing night though and the costume was worth the trouble cause i get to keep it and i definitely feel a sense of accomplishment being able to make an outfit. :D Cameron went as Batman, Amanda as Wonderwoman and Jennifer as Catwoman. In case you're wondering, Charlene and two of her friends went as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. :D They made their own costumes as well. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture with my own sister. D: ahahha silly us.

I found a Robin that night!

this was from Gillian's birthday party! :D

So my birthday passed since my last post. I didn't do much this year to celebrate it, which was the same case as last year. But Amanda and i did go out for brunch the next day. You can read all about it in these posts Amanda wrote on her food blog, Traipses.

I have such beautiful friends who send me many beautiful pictures but i like to pick the ugly ones. because i love them best. :D


Well, I have little to write about so i'm just going to end this here. Hopefully my trip will give me more content.

I'll see you around!