Listen up, kids. I'm about to drop some knowledge. Here are some things I've learned over the years:
1. Never leave things to the last minute.
Sounds easy enough right? I have some trouble with this one because often things come up and get in the way of what you need to do. Be sure to stare down the urge that wants to tell yourself
eh, i can do it tomorrow. Sure you
could but in most cases, you'd probably find something else that sounds better and more fun.
In short, get your shit done before you decide to do something fun that won't benefit your future.
2. Never overlook the time you have with good company/You don't know what you've got till it's gone.
The thing about this is I realized it a little too late. I suppose sometimes you never really think about what would change after you leave or you get separated. Clichéd, but i guess you can also call this 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'. Fine. I'll add it up there. Happy?
3. Accept change.
Change is bound to happen no matter what and that is a fact. There's no point lingering in the past. Embrace change and learn to enjoy it. It definitely makes life less miserable.
4. Always listen to your parents' advice.
Cause most of the time they're telling you because no one else will tell you and they're only looking out for you. Unless.... they tell you to kill yourself or something abusive like that. In that case, don't but you know what I'm talking about right?
5. Try your hardest at everything.
I definitely have some regrets about not applying myself very well in secondary school and in learning my violin. Can't help but wonder what I'd be doing now if I'd gotten 98.9% average or if i had finished my grade 8. Maybe i'd be doing music right now.
But I digress. I really do mean it, though. Do your best so you won't have any regrets.
6. Finally, enjoy life.
I understand that sometimes you just feel like wallowing but that would just represent another day wasted. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm 18!
Already! hah i'm legal. It's strange because I remember when I used to wish that I'd grow up sooner so I can go out by myself etc. This year has gone by so fast. Soon I'll be home and with friends and family again. I can hardly wait.
This is one of my favourite quotes by Oscar Wilde.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Moving on!
I woke up around 7am today, before my alarm. I have no idea why I even woke up so early. My class today starts at 11am. D: I couldn't get back to sleep, so I worked on some research we had to do.
Life's great! Can't sleep early! Can't wake up late!
Actually it wasn't too bad. Classes were as they are all the time and I made the most of it. After the last class, I went to the computer lab to work on some homework. After I bade my friends goodbye and started walking to the main door, I noticed that a bag of crisps was stuck in the vending machine. And I just had to.
I called a few of my friends over and they tried shaking the vending machine but to no avail. So we decided that it'd be a gamble to see if we could dislodge that pack by buying one of the keropoks above that one. When it didn't work, another friend decided that the weight of both of the packs were heavy and another pack would prove to be heavy enough to make all of them come down. It didn't. I went back to the computer lab and asked another friend to come take a look cause he was missing everything. hahaha After a lot of kicking and shoving of the vending machine, he decided that the momentum would be big enough to get everything moving. hahah in the end, there were just four packs of crisps. Sitting there. Everybody got fed up and went back to the computer room and i went home. The End.
Oh! And I've added these two buttons down here so it'd be great if you guys could give me some feedback on my posts so I'll know what you like and what you don't like. And also, leave me some comments so i'll know that i'm not just talking to myself.