Friday, August 07, 2009

You're Not Welcome Anymore

I wish i had some interesting observation to share with you guys today, but i haven't been much of a spectator these days. I'm overlooking a lot of stuff i really shouldn't. Missing signs i should've seen. But. But. but. but i've updated my ipod. :p hahaahha that has nothing to do with being an observer.

Been torrent downloading. teehee. I love torrents. Some are painfully slow but at least i'm getting new stuff. :D Right, so i failed to mention in every form of media that i failed my grade 8 violin exam. I won't be able to retake it in March cause by then i'll be in Brisbane. Ah well. i ruined my teacher's Grade 8 100% passing rate. :p i know i shouldn't sound so happy. :/ *remorseful*

hahaha right. I owe you guys a lot of pictures still. Haha man, i suck. Today was a surprisingly good day. And i have a huge test for Sejarah tomorrow. And i haven't studied. I probably should study. Yeah. I think I should.

I'm addicted to cake. yuuummmmm. I'm addicted to a lot of things.

I've been sitting at my table for hours. Well, i finished my homework. Some other stuff that really had to be done. But still nothing from my Sejarah textbook. One of my torrents finished downloading. And i'm just typing random stuff that come to mind over the course of a few hours. Please, enjoy my train of thought. Or rather, just ignore this post.

Exams start on the 11th, Tuesday. End on the 17th, Monday. Parents'll be out of town. Party?

Aww man that sucks. :0 You shouldn't miss out just cause. You'll want to look back and remember everything. Even the sucky events. Trust me.

Oh, swooning's a hobby of mine alright. Something's wrong with twitter. :/ weeeiirrdd. oh wait. twitter works now. This post is crap. Honestly. hahahha

I really wish i could do something to help you out. :/ meowr. my hands are about to freeze off. Ooh the weather in Sandakan was bad. They took off but they had to turn back. Dad just got home. 0.0 poor daddy.

Oh dilemma dilemma. HAHAHHA can i just say that going out on a motorbike to a drive-thru for ice cream is not smart? :p hahaahahahha

Exam mood has not hit me yet. I'm in trouble. Oh, i'm in astronomical trouble. Oh god. Come on, steffi. 4 days away. PUT IT THROUGH YOUR SKULL!

eh. didn't work. Oh man i'm screwed.

so, my toes are numb. That's bad huh?

Can't help but feel like i'm abandoning you. :( It's not what i want to do.

It'll all be alright. Right?

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