i'm reading old messages in my inbox cause i'm going to do a mass delete soon. There are 3478 message here and my phone's starting to lag pretty bad. Therefore a clean up is necessary. These messages date back to when i first got this phone which was 16th May.
I'm feeling very very nostalgic. At first, i was planning on just deleting everything without giving it a second thought. But.... I couldn't resist dipping my toes into water that is my inbox.
I started out by reading the first few messages i got from friends in this phone. The short conversations that represented our time and the long foreign ones we sent back and forth in various languages. I miss that.
The next place that caught my eye was the birthday wishes. There were so many of you! Some sending long messages, poems. Others sending short but meaningful messages with our inside jokes included. Birthday messages from across the world. That was really sweet. And even though i didn't get to celebrate my birthday at all this year, considering i was having my chemistry exam the next day. It was nice. Oh wait, i did celebrate it. Sort of. Thanks to the bunch of you who showed up at my house at 11pm with ice cream cake and hugs. Good times. And thanks to fay for the 'surprise' cake. :p mom still feels bad about that.
So many messages explaining missed calls and misunderstandings. Making lists of which guys were whose. Bartering for them if the results matched. Food.Quoting favourite scenes in movies and shows. Bashing each other about emo music when the both of us listen to the same music. Full of replies to "how was your day?"s. Invitations to go cycling at 5am. Inappropriate and random questions that I still remember the replies I gave them. Photocliks that didn't happen. Conversations concerning spray paint and vandalism. Vacations that sucked. Food. Dates that bombed. Sudden goodbyes. Socks. Chuck. James too. A lot of :3s. Creating of new smileys. Late night conversations. Stupid 'confessions of love' that happened every 4 minutes. 4 way conversations with the oc gang. A surprising amount of messages concerning coupons?! Food. Arguments i don't even remember the causes of. Pots. 'Nuff said. Questions that came right out of the blue with the sole purpose of getting information. MMSes of things to amuse me. Messages from people who aren't here anymore. Conversations about robots. A big wad of messages asking me not to freak out so easily. A lot of messages about Star Wars and Ewoks. Weird events that happened, explained in full detail. Certain conversations concerning Avatar. Text-based Pokemon battles turned harry potter characters battles turned professor oak battles. Negotiations on punishments. On Tuxedo and jamie and karen making me really sad (XP). Silly little banters that make us such good friends. About charmanderzzzzxxxxzxvvxvzxz. Fights over tamagotchis. About food. A lot of capital-lettered laughs. A lot of great memories.
The senders are pretty much the same bunch throughout the year with the exceptions of some falling out completely and some new friends joining in. I wish i could say that my inbox will be filled by the same people next year. But we can't live in the past. No matter how much i want things to stay the same.
I know i'm making a big deal out of just deleting my inbox but friendships were made and broken there. Lots of memories. I know it isn't the end of the year yet but the majority of this year was in there. Yes, that's just how much jamie and karen have upset me. Hahahha. Don't think you're off the hook, derek.
Good luck, karen on yout theory exam! Have fun in kl, fefeh. Emli, i miss youuu.And we got first in music fest yesterday. :D awesommmmeeee.
P.s. My inbox is empty now. Want to help me fill it?
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