Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm Game To Play Along

So I've been pretty busy lately even though classes haven't started yet. Mainly, I've been working on some of the goals I've set this year. I've never been extremely motivated to do anything. But this is my year. This is my year of self-improvement! Let me catch you up.

The ones I've been focusing on are:
1. Six pack by 21.
As in my birthday and I only have a couple of months until then so I've really been going at it. I've been doing the Insanity workout program for awhile now and I also do extra Nike Training Club workouts some days. I know, "some days" sounds so inconsistent. It's more like every other day. Or rather, every other other day. I'm aware the goal indicates that I only want abs but really, I'm working on my body as a whole. I wanna get healthy and push myself. Also, I've never had abs and I just wonder what it's like to have a turtle replace your tummy. I probably won't be blogging about my progress much cause I don't quite know how to do that without taking before and after pictures of my belly, which I won't be doing cause who does that shit? At most, you'll probably just get gold like "I CAN SORT OF SEE TWO LINES BUT ONLY IN THIS LIGHT" or "I FEEL LIKE DEATH. WHY IS EVERYTHING BURNING". I believe these will go above and beyond your expectations of me updating you and will have to suffice.

Also, my friends have decided to motivate me further. I have such lovely friends.

It actually is the deal now. :D

Michelle is referring to a pair of shoes I've been eyeing :3

This is my Nike Fuelband that my cousin, Kevin was lovely enough to procure for us.
I love it.

It tracks your activity and measures them in Nikefuel so you can work towards achieving the goals you've set.

2. 50 Books in 2013
I was complaining that I hadn't read much in the past couple of years, so I set a minimum for myself this year. Why 50? I don't know, it sounded cool. 50 books in a year means at least 1 book per week, which sounds quite doable. However, I was a genius and I didn't start my first book till the last week of January so I have some catching up to do. I'll keep you guys updated on my reading progress via a list that I'll add on the right side of my blog. So far I've finished 5 books -- I'm still behind. But I'm working on it.

My Paperwhite Kindle from Amazon :3
I waited so long for it to be available to ship to Australia.

Anyways, I just thought I'd drop by and make sure you're all caught up. This post was, surprisingly, not brought to you by procrastination! And with that, I shall leave you with my eloquent words of wisdom.




Pawara said...

Hey Steff, good luck! i have been trying to start insanity since last year, still trying to start, lol. Any books would you recommend?

STV said...

hey Pawara! Thanks! It took me awhile to start too but one day I just put it on and started it :) it was so intimidating until I actually began it, then it wasn't so bad! You should give it a go! So far all of the books I've read have been good but if you're looking for something different, I would recommend Murakami's After Dark :)