Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Another Life

As you guys know, my parents and brother came to visit us this week and a half-ish. It's a shame they came this week, which happened to be the week when the last of my assignments were due. There were a few days that I couldn't hang out with them cause I'd be in the computer lab working on my assignments till early in the morning. Then I'd come home to find them all sitting around playing their games or talking or eating.

It was nice to see them again. And they were very excited to be here. I'll be seeing them again quite soon. So I'm glad. We just sent them off to the airport and their flight probably just took off. Fun schtufff.

Anyways! My dad bought iPads for himself and my mom and we've been teaching them how to use it. Mom even took notes with diagrams and stuff. So adorable. And they were playing games on them in the morning before we woke up.

We didn't get to go anywhere like Gold Coast or movie world or dream world or any other world due to Charlene's and my class schedules but we've been busy dealing with some other stuff so it's all good. Now it's back to it just being the three of us again. Crowded house is not that crowded anymore.

In other news, D: presentations this week.

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