It's nice having Charlene back in town. Series marathons to have, late night cyber cafe, midnight mcdonalds runs, inside jokes, Tommy and Charlie practically living at our house. It's been fun. Wonder what it's going to be like next year. Nahhh... I think I'll leave that for next year. No point setting expectations that might not have been reached. In case you don't know me, that's the kind of person i am. I don't aim. I never aim. Well, you know, for basketball or whatever that's different. Hahah but i'm talking about goals. Things that most people aim for. For example, exam results. I have never aimed for UPSR, PMR, UEC. And i'm pretty sure i won't aim for SPM. I know that it's stupid that i'm not exercising my full potential and all that road-to-self-improvement crap. But that's just who i am. Who i've been for my whole life, really--- fine... until this point in my life, at least.
This really isn't a very bad tactic. Just think about it! No expectations = no disappointments. Hmmm maybe i'm being a coward. Eh, don't know. I know it's over but i've been feeling so tired. It's hard for me to catch up with my schedule. Strange. But then again, maybe it's cause i spend my nights updating my blog even though virtually no one reads it. :p
I owe you guys a huge update. :p Everything's been piling up. I need to get started before i'm buried alive.
Night, peeps.
IOU, steffi.
I read it....
And "not a bad tactic?" no, it's not, but I got a better one, aim for something ! =P
:( don't design me! :p hahahah
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