Friday, November 20, 2009

Burn Brighter


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spm spm spm spm spm.
Not as bad as you'd think it'd be.
Good news.
I'll never have to get a quick cram session from Charlene about the silly malay stories/poems and what their antagonists do.
Same goes for Sejarah. I actually don't mind history. but having us study it in bm blows. Somehow we managed to have Chinese History and Sejarah but no history in english? puh. Glad that's over.
We had EST today. It was ehhh okay. Essay topic was on friction. Physics topics. Thank God i still remember my form 4 Phys. :D
i know what you're thinking.
Pro. ;D
hahahahah est is fun. Being sick unfortunately, is not.

I haven't been in the mood these days. I haven't been in any mood, actually.
My brain's on hold most of the time. At least that's how it feels.
Well, it's better than thinking uncontrollably. Less tiring.

Karan's going to Brisbane on Sunday. :'( She's going to see Green Day in concert. :''(
darn spm. Also, she's coming back a day before i fly off.
Which means the chances of me seeing her this year is not likely at all.
I wanna play blue mask. And see your liquid leggings. :'((( ndak jadi.
Try we get lunch w/ yemeh before you go off? Maybe tomorrow?
no more 10 second crazy rawrganasss shots. :P
Well, you better post the Mcflurry song when you're in Bris. At least the internet is chepatsss. :D

Yellow house news:
We have to meet with the newbies of ttss on thursday during their orientation. Wear Yellow.
Our mascot's Homer. I'm sure a last name is not necessary. Wheee.

I watched Surrogates today at home. It was eehhhokay. I mean, imaginative but surprisingly, i didn't find anything special about it. Not hungry oh today. Don't know why. Unproductive too.
I think i'm going to head out. Find something to do.

Whuat? you want photos? Teda oh sorry. :x
i'll try. k.


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