Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Secrets That You Just Can't Keep

One-sentenced blogging still lives, aaron.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Burn Brighter


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spm spm spm spm spm.
Not as bad as you'd think it'd be.
Good news.
I'll never have to get a quick cram session from Charlene about the silly malay stories/poems and what their antagonists do.
Same goes for Sejarah. I actually don't mind history. but having us study it in bm blows. Somehow we managed to have Chinese History and Sejarah but no history in english? puh. Glad that's over.
We had EST today. It was ehhh okay. Essay topic was on friction. Physics topics. Thank God i still remember my form 4 Phys. :D
i know what you're thinking.
Pro. ;D
hahahahah est is fun. Being sick unfortunately, is not.

I haven't been in the mood these days. I haven't been in any mood, actually.
My brain's on hold most of the time. At least that's how it feels.
Well, it's better than thinking uncontrollably. Less tiring.

Karan's going to Brisbane on Sunday. :'( She's going to see Green Day in concert. :''(
darn spm. Also, she's coming back a day before i fly off.
Which means the chances of me seeing her this year is not likely at all.
I wanna play blue mask. And see your liquid leggings. :'((( ndak jadi.
Try we get lunch w/ yemeh before you go off? Maybe tomorrow?
no more 10 second crazy rawrganasss shots. :P
Well, you better post the Mcflurry song when you're in Bris. At least the internet is chepatsss. :D

Yellow house news:
We have to meet with the newbies of ttss on thursday during their orientation. Wear Yellow.
Our mascot's Homer. I'm sure a last name is not necessary. Wheee.

I watched Surrogates today at home. It was eehhhokay. I mean, imaginative but surprisingly, i didn't find anything special about it. Not hungry oh today. Don't know why. Unproductive too.
I think i'm going to head out. Find something to do.

Whuat? you want photos? Teda oh sorry. :x
i'll try. k.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Spend Every Moment I Had With You

I know you're not fairy. That's not you anymore. I miss our directionless conversations, late night phone calls, if-a-horde-of-zombies-came-right-now situations, cs-campzones-in-your-house discussions, seeing you at metro, text messages containing simpsons, rawr, hwyd, GGKKTYBB, pinching my face, dancing around in K house foyer, what's your 20?, report to base camp, one-worded text messages, being the bearer of bad news about 'fictional' characters(pffftt the tooth fairy SO exists!), sitting around discussing cushions, talking about child labour, fighting for food to survive with an ogre, making exits before we're supposed to, buying cheap useless crap we know we're never gonna use again ever, dissing each other's music, bone crushing hugs and random mms-es. I know you're under housearrest so make the most of it. Kick some spm ass like i know you can. I'll see you when you get out, bub.

Big hello to big photoshoot before big bye to me? :3

You know i love you to twenty kabajillion to the power infinity x infinity squared bits, right? <3

They Won't Even Miss You At All

Hey guys. I haven't updated in a longggg time. Apologies. Much has been going on and i haven't found the time or energy to blog about anything.

Basically, here's what you've missed if you do not follow me on twitter.
Our dance team got first in Tshung Tsin Star. I got my driving licence. We are currently maidless. Spm is starting on Wednesday. School is officially over, not counting the days we need to go back to school for spm. Been eating too much. Running in the rain somehow didn't get me sick but durians did. I haven't started studying. We've run out of Bundaberg. We just got Bundaberg. I need to start packing for Brisbane.

study tmr. Must.