Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's The Weekend

Hello prospective candidates for marriage!

Honestly, where do i get this stuff? Anyways, i've got to say it!

After not talking/texting/im-ing/webcamming/seeing. Basically after such a long period of absolute silence ( not cause of feuds or arguments or whatever but just being plain busy ), if someone calls you out of the blue and tells you they're riding to your house to drop something off. Even if it was a can of root beer and a money-less ang pao taped onto it and left it on your gate light. It's pretty darn awesome. Thanks so so sooo much, Karen! :) missed you!

I find it hard to believe so many people remembered, seeing as i myself kinda forgot about it. Ah well, exams'll be exams. *indifferent shrug* i'm having BM1 and Computer tomorrow. Two subjects which cannot be/ do not require studying. Then Bio, A Math, Chemistry, EST and sejarah on the last day. After that, everybody'll be going crazy with fun, thought-out-during-exam-week plans. Whereas i shall be stuck in the house or my teacher's house playing an instrument that makes me wish i could implode voluntary. Yes, it is that bad.

Favourite quote of the day:
Mate's msn pm: crap all over my hopes and dreams (or something along those lines)
*opens conversation with him*
Steffi: "What if i'm constipated?"

Hahaahahhahahhahahahahaha why am i so so gay? Why am i favourite-quoting myself? Bah. I'm strange. Not to mention self centered. Whuat?! Call me self centered?! YOU'RE SELF CENTERED!!!! Gosh. The nerve of some people. :p

People never cease to surprise me. :)
We-ll, actually.... Chh.

Take care, future husband/wives/children/second uncle twice removed/modes of transport/peanutology/peppers/alias/hugh jackman/cookie/pillows/corpses/useless buttons/myogenic jerks/pieces of the sun.....



Jeremiah said...

ahh well steffers... you've finally gone crackers

that rhymed... -.-""

anyways, happy birthday...DUDE


STV said...

what so crackers and cheese about it?

Jeremiah said...

everything? haha

Morgan said...

You still vlog?

STV said...

It's been getting harder to do, considering the lousy line. :/ uploading videos can take days. And sometimes even after that, they don't get on. So. yeah. HI MORGAN! :D

psshttt. you exaggerate, Jer.