Monday, October 29, 2012

So Please Don't Stay In Touch

Last Thursday was the last day of classes this year!! I can't quite believe how quickly time has passed. I forgot that I don't have to wake up for class tomorrow morning! Sweeeeettt. All of my assignment for this year are done except for one which I am going to finish up soon. And by finish up, I mean start, of course. Don't be acting all surprised. Y'all know the drill by now.

So last Friday, I did a cover of Dream a Little Dream and you can check that out here if you want it in another window. Or you can just click play below.

In other news, I bought myself an iPhone 5 about a week ago. I've always been a big fan of buttons on a mobile phone but my Blackberry was driving me crazy with the constant memory wipes and inability to take a phone call without cuts in the line. So I kinda gave in. Honestly, I kinda love it. I don't want to sound like I'm freaking out but I CAN PLAY BEJEWELED BLITZ WHENEVER I WANT.

Please don't judge me.

hahaha i'm kidding. judge me all you want.

With an iPhone, comes an Instagram account. I go by @arghsteffi on there so you can follow me if you're into that. Fair warning though, I don't post a lot of pictures and currently they all include Chewie in them. Soooo puppy photos, basically.


Ooh! Another thing that I've been doing is watching Doctor Who. I finished 1 season in a day and now i want more. I didn't really know where to start so I just started with the Eleventh Doctor. MORE SOON I HOPE. I must be going now. Bed so I can work on this assignment tomorrow and finish it up.  BOUI!


Yvonne T said...


STV said...

Thanks Yvonne! :)