Thursday, December 13, 2012


So I've been asked to blog again. I'm never motivated on my own to start a post unless there's something to do. And I guess I kinda have something to do today. We're flying to Japan today! We have some last minute errands to run and then it's off to the airport with us!

I went on a bit of a Twitter rage the other day about AirAsia and they sent me an email regarding my "enquiry" (I wouldn't call what I said an enquiry) but if you're interested in reading what happened, you can click to enlarge.

I've been back in KK for about a week now and we've moved into our new place and it is gorgeous but it's feels strange to come home and not be at home. I've lived in that house for my whole life and suddenly we're in a completely new environment that has familiar things like photos and souvenirs. I feel like we're living in a hotel room. We have to use coasters on the tables and our downstair neighbour is crazy. It's going to take some getting used to.

We've been so busy this week that I haven't had all the food I was hoping to have had by this time but I guess I'll just leave that for when I get back from Tokyo. God thinking about food is making me hungry. I won't be around for Christmas so I just wanna say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and if you're still in KK by the time I get back, i hope to see you soon!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I've Got To Tell You What A State I'm In

Alright alright alright. Middle of November and I'm done with uni this year! Huzzah yay oorahh!  Exams are all done and all I have to do left is work and get my year's worth of exercising before I go home and to Japan. Sounds sort of possible, right?

On the weekend between my exam papers, Amanda, Cam, Jordan and I went to Bandito Folk's EP launch at Black Bear Lodge. There was a huge turnout and the atmosphere was great but being responsible students amidst their exam periods, we didn't drink anything. We also spent the whole day studying, so i guess it makes up for the fact that we even went out at all. The EP was $7 bucks so I got two. The other one now resides with Brandon in the UK. I hadn't replied to his Joshua Keogh EP so I thought this would a perfect opportunity to.

Bandito Folk

Brandon's copy along with my hideous attempt to make him watch Doctor Who.

Last Friday night, Amanda had a little post-exams gathering/farewell dinner since she was returning to Singapore on Tuesday. :C Makes me super sad by the way. Anyways, so we had dinner at Ahmet's, a turkish restaurant at Southbank. We had issues finding parking spaces but the food was good. Everybody got a bit nervous when the bellydancer started going around to tables and getting people to dance with her though. David even made a break for the toilet. After dinner, all of us went back to Amanda's to get her evicted from her apartment. The last time she had us over, we received noise complaints from the neighbours, which wasn't surprising since we were singing along really loudly to our music. Similar to last time, we had a Mario Kart tournament and lots of alcohol but we made a conscious effort to try to be quieter this time around. The next morning when we woke up, it was storming. Crazy winds and rain. We chilled in Amanda's room for about an hour just listening to music and watching funny video clips then went for lunch after the storm died down. After lunch we went back to Amanda's to laze around while the boys watched some car racing thing i can't be bothered to figure out the name of. It was a really good night/day with good company. Such a shame Amanda's not in Brisbane anymore. huuuuuu i'm gonna be so ronery.

The day that Amanda went back to Singapore was the day that Kimberley came down to Brisbane from Adelaide to visit for a couple of days and go to see the Coldplay concert. I went to pick up Kim at Roma Street station and then we came home and got her settled then went for lunch and just spent the day catching up at Southbank. After Karen got off work, we went for drinks together at Jimmy's on the mall and it went on a lot longer than we said it would. But it was really great being able to catch up with people i haven't seen in awhile and talk about things we've heard and try new drinks and everything was marvellous!

Coldplay was tonight! And it was amazing. It was so good. The Pierces and Temper Trap opened for them and Temper Trap was so good! I didn't really care much for The Pierces though. There was confetti, fireworks, light-up wristbands. I don't quite know what else to say except that it was phenomenal and that you had to be there. So the next time Coldplay's playing in town and you're a fan, you should definitely go. 

These pictures are courtesy of Kimberley. She was waayyyy up front. Lucky girl!
Also, click to enlarge any of the photos!

And these are from my iPhone. We were further back. huuu

It was Douglas's first concert! :D

hahaha this is my point of view if i don't tiptoe.
oh the woes of being short.

Random photos

Michelle finally received her birthday gift.
Took long enough!

Chewie at her crime scene

I must bed now, all. I hope you're all having wonderful experiences in your lives right now and if not, you should give it a go! See you guys around the internet!

P.S. Miss you mandy. :C

Monday, October 29, 2012

So Please Don't Stay In Touch

Last Thursday was the last day of classes this year!! I can't quite believe how quickly time has passed. I forgot that I don't have to wake up for class tomorrow morning! Sweeeeettt. All of my assignment for this year are done except for one which I am going to finish up soon. And by finish up, I mean start, of course. Don't be acting all surprised. Y'all know the drill by now.

So last Friday, I did a cover of Dream a Little Dream and you can check that out here if you want it in another window. Or you can just click play below.

In other news, I bought myself an iPhone 5 about a week ago. I've always been a big fan of buttons on a mobile phone but my Blackberry was driving me crazy with the constant memory wipes and inability to take a phone call without cuts in the line. So I kinda gave in. Honestly, I kinda love it. I don't want to sound like I'm freaking out but I CAN PLAY BEJEWELED BLITZ WHENEVER I WANT.

Please don't judge me.

hahaha i'm kidding. judge me all you want.

With an iPhone, comes an Instagram account. I go by @arghsteffi on there so you can follow me if you're into that. Fair warning though, I don't post a lot of pictures and currently they all include Chewie in them. Soooo puppy photos, basically.


Ooh! Another thing that I've been doing is watching Doctor Who. I finished 1 season in a day and now i want more. I didn't really know where to start so I just started with the Eleventh Doctor. MORE SOON I HOPE. I must be going now. Bed so I can work on this assignment tomorrow and finish it up.  BOUI!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

say hello

I recently rediscovered something i used to do on my old blogs. :D YEAHYUHH

Some Things Need Left Alone

Semester break has come and gone and uni started up again yesterday. This semester's break started later (week 9) than it usually does (week 7) and it got me really cranky by the end of week 9. I had completely lost my optimism for second semester. All my imaginary rainbows and sunshine were gone by then. So, I had 10 days to recover and rest up and say I would work on my assignments etc. I wasn't as productive as I had hoped.

The first weekend, I went down to Movie World with Tim, Karen, Eric and Sherwynna. Tim was visiting for the week so of course we went and screamed and filled ourselves up with enough soft drinks anybody should have in a year and sat on all the best rides after eating copious amounts of food and trying our best not to throw up after riding UPSIDE DOWN ON THE FRIGGIN GREEN LANTERN. It was a gorgeous day. 晴れですね!It really was a really good day. So good. :D

These photos are from Sherwynna's Facebook page :)

The next day, Amanda & I went about and visited a couple of thrift stores and explored Brisbane a bit more, but didn't pick up anything interesting. Our day was cut short due to storm warnings sadly. I wish it had stormed though. It would've been a good naptime. 

The rest of the week was a blur of lying on the couch watching various things, eating, attempting to make videos, tumbling and not doing any uni work at all. It was pretty wonderful. I regret nothing. Since there are no photos of me being a couch potato, here are some pictures of Chewie.

Riverfire is something we have in Brisbane every year to celebrate the Brisbane River. Basically, it's fireworks and aerial displays. The city and Southbank get pretty crazy on that day and this year, I had to work at a nearby Subway. It was crazy busy and people were rude and we were so unfamiliar with the new store and just <insert frustration here>. After work, we walked to Tommy's apartment in the city for his birthday gathering. Everybody was drinking and just talking most of the night. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired.

I did manage to watch 4 movies in the cinema during my break though!
1. Total Recall
2. Looper
3. Beasts of the Southern Wild
4. Moonlight Kingdom

Though technically, that last one I saw earlier tonight. I still have not seen Ruby Sparks, which is very disappointing considering I've been looking forward to that for so long. :C Confession time! I'm only blogging because I have an assignment due Friday and I told myself I would finish it tonight. My procrastination is your gain, I guess!


I have to go work on my assignment now. Kbai.