Saturday, November 22, 2008

When Loving Means Breaking And Saying Goodbye

I feel like I haven't written properly in such a long time. You understand. The type of writing in which you do not press enter after every line and type smiley faces to show how you feel. Good writing is supposed to be how people know how you feel. Where every word means something. I used to write like that.

My, my, how I've changed. Speaking of change, apparently I have quite a bit. I'm not quite sure how or when exactly i changed. But I would appreciate it if somebody tells me. You can do it anonymously or you can just come right out and tell me. I won't hate you! I promise! In fact, I'll probably trust you more. But, please. Be delicate! I break easily.

Countdown to the end of the year: 41 days. Yes, I counted. Why? Because I just so happen to think that this year, the year I am sixteen, is the best year of my life! ---- so far, at least.

How am I spending my days? Today, I went to Warisan Square alone for lunch. You don't have to pity me for being alone. Cause I kinda chose to be. I, sometimes do enjoy my lonesome. But that doesn't mean I am a total pariah, okay? Just making sure you have the right idea. Alone time is good. Sometimes you just need to disconnect to reconnect. Do any of you understand what I'm saying? I hope you do. Or I'm more out of touch than I thought.

Anyway, I had lunch at Hong Kong recipe. Cheese-baked rice, of course. It's the only thing that's good there. I went to Times before that and found Through the Looking Glass. Man! I've been looking for that book for so long! Plus, I heard there's a book sale at KK Plaza. Or was it Asia City? Anyways, I plan to check that out soon. Any uber book lovers out there? Let me know. We'll check it out together, huh? I'm a sucker for the classics.

While I was at HKr, I saw our school coach/math teacher, Mr Golden Chee there too. He was alone. We talked a bit but then we realised how weird it must look for the both of us, being alone talking together over lunch. So, he went to the other table and we ate, quietly. Which i preferred. Throughout the whole time I was at Warisan, I was texting with Daryl. He was stationed there today to make sure the buses were on time for the tourists. He worked so hard. Messed up a little, yes, but i thought he did pretty good.

I went to check up on him first. Then I went to Tech City to look for a magnesium flint and steel firestarter. Which is for burning down my school, of course. Anybody want to join me? Well, I couldn't find it. The guy didn't even know what I was talking about. I'll have to put off that plan till I find a way. Back to the story of my last 41st day of my year, I just hung out with him until his shift was over then we went home.

This is so boring. I'm sorry I'm boring. Nothing eventful.

Right now I've just been reunited with Sant and Jamieth after a long time, because of the msn hack thing. I lost Sant's email. I missed him! Hear that, Sant? I miss you! We're talking about a lot of stuff right now. Its always so messy. I love them both so much!

This post is so boring. I apologize. I'll make stuff more interesting. Next time. Or maybe I'll go back to writing crapilly. ahahahahhahahahhah :/ hahahhahahahaha


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