Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Burns Don't Heal Like Before

Recently, uni's really fired up and presentations, tests and assignments are just being shot at us every week. Between that and work and general couchpotatory, I haven't been doing anything that's really interesting, apart from convincing Amanda to watch American Horror Story yesterday and having her finish it. :D Amanda doesn't like scary things so I watched the first couple of episodes with her and after i left she just continued on and on and on until she finished the season earlier today. She even watched a few episodes by herself! hahaha Sorry i'm so amused by this. She's just really not a horror person. But anyways, American Horror Story is good. I love horror and this was an awesome fix for me and i can't watch for season 2 to come out in October. This is a good thing, guys. Really.

I say "good" a lot. Like the way I say "Sure" a lot when I'm working. Bad habits bad habits. I MUST PUT MY VOCABULARY TO USE!

So I have a busy week ahead of me; what's left of it anyways. Tomorrow I have a presentation on Export Readiness then the next day, I have a Japanese Test and sometime during next week, I have an assignment due that i actually forgot about until Amanda reminded me yesterday. So glad that i have her around.

I've been so slack this semester. I suspect it was the awesome time spent in Melbourne with Karen, Michelle and Lexis and then having mom come over to see us. I haven't really moved pass the carefree feeling, though i can't help but suspect that my only-in-the-afternoon-slash-at-night class times contribute to it too. Being able to sleep in is completely unproductive.

Remind me to organize my classes in the mornings next semester, guys?

A couple of weeks back, I received a package in the mail. There was no return address on it and I hadn't ordered anything online so I was really intrigued. I opened it up to find a note from Brandon and a signed cd of Joshua Keogh's Keepakes EP. :3 GODDDDD It was such a lovely sentiment and it turned my day around.

Joshua Keogh is a dorm mate of Brandon's who has his own music.
Brandon shared his music with me via a Youtube video that played all his songs;
i.e. so if i wanted to listen to song number 3, i had to listen to 1 and 2 first .
I would basically just listen to the whole album on loop.
I love the album.

It's just such a wonderful surprise and okay i'll shut up about it now.

Back on track! So I have a busy and stressful week ahead of me but I have a surprise waiting for me at the end of it. Woohoo online shopping! I pre-bought myself a little present for the hardwork I am about to put into this week and it's only arriving after everything's done. Self motivation, baby! Who says I'm not goal-oriented? ;)

Awwww Chewie has the hiccups.