Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Arms Are Shaking Like A Lightning Rod

Hey derek. I was thinking.

The wedding'll be in basel, duh. Or do you think we should get it done at sutera like our last marriage? Also, we need to go over the guest list asap. And about the theme, i'm thinking mafia. But that is negotiable. And the favors. Tommy guns? It'd be preeeeetty memorable. Just sayin.

Dude pick a date and lemme know.

Gosh. Planning a wedding is so stressful. :/

Friday, January 15, 2010

One Of Us Misread

I can understand how you might feel bad that i'm always picking you guys up or that we go out to hang out with people i hardly know. But the truth is i don't mind any of it. I just genuinely like spending time with you guys in any way that we can cause time we have left together is short and i need to squeeze as much time in before i'm blown away to some other country.

We might live far apart from each other, but what is that distance compared to the one that will be standing between us in a month's time?

I. Am. So. Tired. :(

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You'll Never Take That Away

I don't really care if i tell other people i miss them or whatever, they don't say it back and they kasi kuyak me and maybe even say crap like alaaaaaaaaa i didn't even think about you pun. but when it comes to a friendship of our calibre, it's just not done. i should be seeped so deep into your subconscious that you don't even realise you're missing me but all you'll feel is a physical empty feeling somewhere in your chest. Then you'll try to figure out why you feel so down. And tiba tiba it'll hit you. Omgatz. Somewhere in the world, right now. Steffi's missing me. Then you'll send me a telepathic message. Nahhhhh. Like that ma.

I have way too much time on my hands.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

I'm Better Off On My Own

Blog post!


I'm bored and have been too lazy to turn on my computer to upload videos. :P and i have been making videos.

Happy new year even though it's been new year for 9 days now. I haven't been doing anything and i don't know what i will be.

Let's hope i make a real update soon. :)


Friday, January 01, 2010

Five Minutes To Midnight

Happy new year. 2010 baby.

New year's eve. Nerd style. ;)

I want photos please.

heehee copy gg